Senin, 16 April 2012


The Teacher performance is an important factor in education where the teacher's ability to manage learning programs and able to organize and manage the classroom so that students can learn and succeed to reach values ​​as the end of the learning process. This study aimed to identify the teachers' performance relationship with student achievement. In this research, has 17 productive teachers in the district administration office mojokerto as a population.

The results of this study can be seen that 69% of productive teacher performance is a good office administration. For student learning achievement at the end of semester exams of the academic year 2010/2011 the total number of vocational students in Office Administration as many as 702 students Mojokerto regency is known, as many as 679 students meet the criteria for completeness and as many as 23 students are not yet complete.

Data analysis using product moment correlations with the help of SPSS 16.0 for windows from the calculation of product moment correlation formula known to a very strong relationship between variables X and Y variables of 0.832. From the known values ​​of determination coefficient of 69% correlation between independent variables and the dependent variable while 31% caused by other variables

The conclusions from this study that there is significant correlation between teacher performance productive office administration and academic achievement in class XII student of SMK Mojokerto regency of 69%.

Keywords: Performance Teacher, student learning achievement

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